Saturday, April 10, 2010


When I first heard about blogging, I thought it was really just a waste of time. But after reading my cousin Kassie's blog and other people's blogs it got me more and more interested.
I'm the type of person that when I find something that I like to do or is taking on something new,
a thousand different ideas and "to do's" run through my head over and over about that one particular thing.
It sounds silly, but it's true.
Like when I got called to serve as the Young Women Secretary in our ward
I couldn't stop thinking about all the different activities we could do: camping, bon fires, sleepovers, scrapbooking, taking tons of pictures of each activity...
That's exactly how I felt when I first started to blog.
I had so many different ideas and topics to blog about that I didn't know where to start.
And then when I did get started, I didn't like it or I would be over it and want to blog about something else.
I seriously have like ten posts on my settings that still needs to be published
But I just keep thinking up new things to blog about or I'm just over it.
Well, the reason for this post was mainly because when I told my husband about me blogging, he thought it was a great idea.
He was totally behind me, not that this is a really big deal but it kind of is LOL.
Then I told him that I wanted to start editing pictures... not TAKING pictures, just editing them and trying to make them look pretty LOL
He said "Whatever makes you happy baby."
So... here I am! Blogging away. More like blabbering.
BUT ever since I've started, I've been complaining to my husband that I need my own laptop. LOL
The one that we have belongs to my sister and just has so much junk downloaded on it that it's pretty slow.
Don't get me wrong, a laptop is a laptop but I just wanted one to call my own...
One that I can blog from...
One that I can load MY pictures on to and edit all I wanted without having to worry about "giving the laptop back"
You know what I mean?
Well... the easter bunny came a little late but on friday, after work, my husband surprised me with my very own!!
Now I can seriously do what I wanted to do all along.
I told him that I would set money aside until I had enough to get one...
Of course he knew that I was "all talk" LOL
He knows that I never like to buy expensive things... ever...
and he also knows that I'll "say" that I'll get it, but I never have the guts to.
But I am totally in love with it and I'm so thankful for him helping me get started.
I mean, blogging isn't the only thing I'll use it for... but I'm just thankful that he completes that part of me that wouldn't have been able to go through with it.
Hopefully this is making sense. It's kind of hard to explain.
But now that I have a new BFF :) I'll be trying to keep up with my blogs from now on.
Thanks Babe! I love it, I mean you! ;)


  1. What a nice hubby. I wanna get my own laptop too. Maybe Matt needs to talk to

  2. That was so sweet of your husband! :) But I'm sure you deserved it! I can totally relate to never being able to spend that much money on yourself.. Lol I'm the same way! Lol Now I'm excited to see all your edited pictures! :) Take care my dear..


...I'm Obivously Superwoman...

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