Monday, August 30, 2010

…our life: family & football…

Ever since Matt and I were together, it’s always been Matt, Tangi and football. No lie. When we first hung out, before we were dating, it was at little league football games. Me watching him and of course him watching me watch him. Too cute I know. :)

Then in high school, same deal… Matt, football, Tangi, football. Bet you had no idea huh?! Well, so of course after we got pregnant that was the BIG QUESTION……… to everyone else. We knew what we wanted and giving up football was never an option. Football is a big part of my husband’s life and it’s something that I could never ask him to give up. But don’t get it twisted, his family comes first, always. But it’s just not normal for our family to not have any association with football. It’s in our genes, both in Matt’s family and my family.

In 2007, when my husband broke his leg, it was one of the most devastating events that happened in his life. It took some time for him to cope… trying to heal physically as well as mentally and being on this emotional rollercoaster but it was the same deal, no giving up on football. We spent a few days in the hospital, as well as in bed rehabbing and getting him back on his feet. It was a really long process for him and our family. But we all were going through with drawls at the time, trust me. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves during the rest of the season! It sounds pretty lame, but I’m not kidding. We spent a lot of time watching high school football, little league football and of course UTAH football when we had the chance… but it killed my husband being on the field and not being able to play.
But it got better! He was back on the field and ready to go! He played his heart out that following year. It was a great year…. For all of us! :)

Unfortunately, last year (2009) his football season ended shortly after going into his fourth game of the season with a torn ACL…a football player’s worst nightmare I guess you could say. I remember every moment that lead up to that last play. Everything was going good… he scored a touchdown… and then… he’s limping off the field.
Everyone was watching the next play, while of course I’m trying to look for him to wait for my little wink as if that touch down was especially for ME…then I saw him… laying on the floor. Then maybe a few seconds after that, all I saw was a helmet being thrown across the bench. Not good! He sat up and put a towel over his head and just sat there for a minute. We all tried to figure out what was going on but thought maybe he just needed to shake it off or maybe he just rolled his ankle or something.

One of the trainers came to the stands and called me over to tell me that Matt wanted to talk to me. Not thinking it was anything serious still, I walked across to where he was and leaned over the stands. He grabbed my hand, looked up at me with the towel still over head with tears pouring down his face and said, “I’m done.”

I didn’t know what to think or say and I tried so hard to hold it in. Seeing my husband cry breaks my heart and he’s probably only done it three times in the ten years we’ve been together, so I knew he was hurting. I just sat there holding his hand from the stands as he cried. What do you say when something like this happens? We’re literally maybe three feet away from each other, so close yet not close enough, in the middle of thousands of screaming UTAH fans who are celebrating (little do they know) my husband last touchdown of the season…while he’s pouring his eyes out right in front of me. But honestly, it was almost as if we were the only two in that stadium…just the two of us.

There were a lot more emotional events that took place between that time and the end of the game, but my husband would be so embarrassed if I shared that publicly. I think I’ve already said too much. But again, the same emotional rollercoaster…rehab all over again…just everything we had already been too familiar with two years before that. But not once, did my husband ever complain. He worked twice as hard and did everything he could and more to get back on his feet. The saddest part, he had to work on both of his legs. He had to undergo surgery and in order to fix the leg he injured, they needed to get into the other leg to help repair the injured leg. Sounds confusing but that’s what they did. So he was off both legs for a little bit and had to do lots of physical therapy and slowly work his way back into his normal routine.
But guess what….to make a long story short…three more days and we’re back on track!!! UTAH’s first game of the season is this Thursday and we’re ALL fired up!!!! ALL meaning… Matt’s parents, his siblings, my parents, my siblings, our extended families and friends… it’s been long overdue and we’re ready!!! I mean, Matt’s ready… I mean… you know what I mean :)
Seriously though, it’s always been US & FOOTBALL and as much as what we’ve already been through when it comes to this sport… we’re so ready!!

My husband and I truly believe that things happen for a reason, whether it’s good or bad… you just have to take it and run with it. He was very fortunate to have another year of eligibility extended to him by the U of U and we will forever be thankful. Yeah he’s a SUPER SENIOR, whom we use to make fun of LOL, but we’ll take it!! It’s actually given him another opportunity to do what he loves and get the education he needs to get a Bachelor’s degree. He’s even having a chance to play a year with his younger brother Shawn. They played together in high school, at Snow College and now finishing up with one more year together at the U. He couldn’t ask for more than to share his last year with his brother.

Who knows what the year will bring us or what the future holds, but we’ve come this far and we’ve loved every minute of it! His injuries brought us closer together as a family. It brought us closer together as husband and wife and it’s really strengthened his love for his kids. If there’s one thing he’s good at… it’s being a father. He’s a natural. But with his injuries and being at home all those months during rehab… it changed him. It’s kind of hard to explain but it was a good change.

I guess I blogged about more than I had anticipated but at least there’s something new to learn about the Asiata’s…..hopefully.
We’re so blessed to have the life we have now. Ten years ago, we would’ve never thought we’d end up where we are now but honestly, we have no regrets. Three kids and two injuries later…. It’s still FAMILY & FOOTBALL.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

...what DO I like to do?!?...

Just last week, I was having a conversation with a good friend from church and we somehow got into work and careers. I told her how I love my job but if she ever knew of a position I'd be interested in to let me know.
Then she asked, "Well, what do you like to do as far as job wise?"
I really didn't even know what to tell her... "Ummmm, being an assistant!??" LOL.
Pretty lame right?
Well, I seriously had to think about afterwards because I really don't know what I would want to make a career out of. I mean, I love my job, but I know it's not a position that I can stay for the rest of my life!
My job title is that of an assistants. But I can honestly say that my actual duties at work are that of a managers, just with the assistant title.
It sounds a little...confusing...but it's simple. I'm the assistant, doing full assistant duties as well as taking on certain management duties.
I love that I get to be the one to "help" but not fully take charge.
Does that sound dumb to you?
I'd rather be the person behind the scenes, doing almost everything, but not being in the actual spot light. This probably sounds dumb, right?
But I guess eventually I do want to move up in the company, but just for fun. But also, not now. I seriously feel content with my position now. Like I can go to work and not ever worry that I'll be fired that day, or the next day, or the next day.
As a manager, there's more on my shoulders and I would have that lingering at the back of my mind every time I set foot in my office.
But it's so weird that I ended up where I am now because I don't even like being a salesperson, or talking to people I don't know, or taking charge and so much control over large/small company events. But I guess I'm good at it since I've been with it for so long!
But I always tell myself that if I ever go back to school, I'd want to go into nursing, where I left off in high school.
But I would also want to go into hair, just for fun! I've always enjoyed doing my own hair (even though most days you can't tell) and other people's hair.
But see, this brings me back to the subject... I really just don't know what I want to do. Is that bad?
With all these things in mind, I would also love to stay home with my kids and be one of those mothers who plan activities for the kids, cook, make crafty things.... but I seriously suck at things like that! LOL. I would LOVE to though and I'm sure I can do it if I just try it!
See, I'm so indecisive. Story of my life.
Have you heard that McDonald's commercial where the lady talks about what she orders and what she loves... well, it's pretty lengthy but that's pretty much explains how I feel about everything and anything.
Trust me, my husband LOVES it! Hah!
But we'll see where I end up. I've had a very crazy month at work and I'm starting to re-think taking the management position full on... more so now because the position is actually open but we're suppose to be hiring someone within the next two weeks so I think I'll give one more person a chance and if it opens up again, I might just take it! But again, I have no idea what I want remember!?! :)
This was such a random post, but I guess it's something different from blogging about my kids all the time, right?!?

...I'm Obivously Superwoman...

When I say I'm Superwoman I'm referring to what my kids  think  I am. I mean most days I probably am.  But I'm sure I have ...